The most effective way to get rid of these insects is to use some kind of repellent or bee spray, including insecticides, citronella candles, garlic spray, vinegar, ultrasonic insect repellents, and insect repellent plants. You can also buy or create your own bee trap and lure them inside....
The spray was applied early in the morning when there was practically no bee activity, but shortly afterwards conditions were suitable for maximum bee activity. No adverse effect on adult bees or brood was observed. The crop was strongly repellent to bees for a day after spraying....
To get an idea of the many uses of propolis, check out BeePharm products as well as those sold by Mickelberry Gardens. I love the throat spray from Mickelberry and am hoping to make my own version in the near future! There are some extremely beneficial products derived from honeybees …...
It seemed possible that spray mixtures might be made repellent to the honeybee by the addition of suitable substances. Further trials showed that lead arsenate solution, at least in the concentrations normally used, was no more attractive to the bee than distilled water. Concentrations of 1/500 ...
The thiamethoxam or thiamethoxam/carbendazol treated crop field does not act as an olfactory repellent to the bee, but it does affect its post-consumption behavior. Keywords: carbendazol; oilseed rape; insecticide development; post-consumption syndrome; thiamethoxam 1. Introduction Global declines in...