Watch out:If these are honey bees we'll need to proceed to remove the hive with some thought because, despite a bit or news of some bee recovery, in many parts of the world including the U.S. so much of the bee population has died off that the critical task of pollinating crops (s...
The honey badger can resist poison, use tools, and attack larger animals by targeting their scrotums. Here are some more facts about the badger with a lion's heart.
Ever see “SUPERSIZEME” how sick the guy gets ?As for the so called eco bee hives, they also take the wax for beeswax and use it in lip balms. Open a factory hive and you find 1/3 of commercial hives have sick bees. Honey is only one side of the problem, poor health ...
Very often, contaminated bees carry these hazardous chemicals back to the hive, potentially inducing sub-lethal or lethal effects for the entire colony [10,11]. The drastic extinction of bees is a serious threat to global food security and planetary ecosystem stability [12,13]. For this reason...
time of day when bees collect pollen and mix it with nectar from proventriculus (dependent on hive location and distance to the floral source); the way how honey is extracted from honeycombs by beekeepers (the extracted honey can get mixed with bee pollen or residue of honey from other flo...