GLENDALE, Ariz. The "Honey Badger" is about to get his first NFLstart.Arizona coach Bruce...
Well, let’s just say a member of the NFL players’ fraternity not (currently) on the Bucs’ roster is awfully happy the Bucs decided toretain the servicesof stud defensive tackle Gerald McCoy. Who would that player be? It’s none other than Honey Badger himself, and it seems a current... If you look closely you can see a honey pot and yes, that does appear to be a badger. And for those of you who really looked close, yeah those are chat emojis. But, what the heck, they get the point across. And as a supporter of The Honey Badger you shouldn't car... If you look closely you can see a honey pot and yes, that does appear to be a badger. And for those of you who really looked close, yeah those are chat emojis. But, what the heck, they get the point across. And as a supporter of The Honey Badger you shouldn't car...
@WisconsinHoneyBadger:我还是认为是质量问题,他的问题是在错误的时间和地点干了正确的事儿//@WisconsinHoneyBadger:BTW,中间这货是我们首发QB,连个🏆都拿不住,也难怪场上花式fumble。//@NFL爱兵老湿:没事儿,7天包退保修,还送运费险。记着拍张照片作为证据就行了 ...
Jones, Mike