诚实双重差分方法(Honest DID) 安慰剂检验 稳健性检验 9、“小巨人”大效应:专精特新认定、供应链溢出与企业生产率 基准回归 reg reghdfe 安慰剂检验 倾向匹配得分 PSMDID Heckman两阶段 10、具有内生变量的分位数样本选择模型的估计方法及应用
aAs I said I am a very logical person and I understand that mistakes happen. Please tell me did you send these 20 cases or did you hold back the order. All I want from you is to be honest and I will give you the chance to correct the mistake. I will wait for the items to arri...
诚实双重差分方法(Honest DID) 安慰剂检验 稳健性检验 9、“小巨人”大效应:专精特新认定、供应链溢出与企业生产率 基准回归 reg reghdfe 安慰剂检验 倾向匹配得分 PSMDID Heckman两阶段 10、具有内生变量的分位数样本选择模型的估计方法及应用