The Autonomous National University of Honduras (1847) in the capital enrolls more than 30,000 students. Some other institutions produce theatrical works in both Spanish and English. There is general freedom of the press in Honduras, and daily newspapers are published in the principal cities of ...
economy, and about two-fifths of them in agriculture. A large part of the population lives on the coast, where the important cities of Belize (population, 42.000 in 1968), Stann Creek, Corozal, and Punta Gorda are located. The important cities in the interior regions are Cayo and Orange ...
Iximche: This Mayan ruin sits in the Western highlands of Guatemala in Tecpan between Antigua and Lake Atitlan. It is not as well-known as the major archaeological sites of the Classic Period (250 to 900). It served as the capital of the Kaqchikel Maya from 1470 to 1524. Here, visitors...
Cities: Tegucigalpa (capitol; pop. 1,150,000); San Pedro Sula (800,000-900,000). Terrain: Mountainous. Climate: Tropical to subtropical, depending on elevation. People About 90% of the population is mestizo. There also are small minorities of European, African, Asian, Arab, and indigenous...
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over 50% from 2012-2019 and kidnappings declined by 82% from 2013-2019. The majority of crimes happen in the major cities: Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, and La Ceiba so I would be extra vigilant in those places, especially at night. (I wouldn’t walk around the capital at night alone...
Montego Bay is perfect for snorkeling and shopping, while the spas of Ocho Rios can make any stresses melt away. Read more Mexico With 26 UNESCO-declared world heritage sites, charming colonial towns and dozens of thrilling cities, there's plenty to explore in this country of 109 million. ...
If you are looking for an active place to stay with world-class attractions, Ohio’s major cities can satisfy any vacation desire. Each offers its own distinct flavor of fun, from professional sports – Bengals (Cincinnati), Cavaliers (Cleveland) and Indians (Cleveland again) – to museums, ...
In our rural town about a half-hour drive outside of one of Honduras’ major cities, it is not uncommon for sporadic murders to take place. Oftentimes our neighbors will inform us that a dead body was found thrown out in the local pineapple fields or seen alongside the highway that runs...
There are branches of the National University in the major cities, and thousands of people attend school at night, after work. There are also private universities and a national agricultural school and a private one (Zamorano). Etiquette A firm handshake is the basic greeting, and people ...