You can find 1 used and new Honda Honda motocycles for sale here. Any sportbike, chopper, touring, minibike, scooter, as well as Honda Honda moto parts.
XL 车系在 1975 年诞生,首批车型是 XL125 和 XL250,比大型级的 XL500S(1979 年)和 XLX(1983 年)、XLR(1985 年)、XR(1995 年)、CRM(1988 年)都要早,历史之长、仅次于 Benly SL(1969 年)和 MT/MTX(1973 年)。当时属于旗舰级的 XL250 搭载一副大缸径、短行程(74 mm x 57.8 mm)的风冷四冲程单...
名字: Honda XL250 类别: 车辆» 摩托车 使用自: 1972–1988 使用者: 生产厂家: Honda 热门套件制品 Honda XL250R Paris Dakar Deformed model w/clockwork motor Bandai0505619 (6) 1983 新模具 HondaXL 250S 1/12 Scale Riders Machine series No.2 Honda XL 250S Fuman 1:12FM209 (2) 198x ...
It isn't unknown for owners who don't like the very close ratio gearbox on the XL250 to swop it for one from an XL350 with more spacing between gears, and a straight swop too but I haven't tried it. I did read somewhere on a forum thing that the XL350 swinging arm is a bit ...
Honda Super Sport Honda CBR1000RR-R Honda Adventure Touring Honda CB150X , CB500X, CRF1100L Africa Twin, XL750 Transalp Contact your nearest dealer from 1674 authorized Honda bike dealers across 336 cities in Indonesia for best offers on your new bike. Read More Sorting...
1981年#honda# XL250S 完全复活记。从锈迹斑斑的废车开始,全部分解,做漆,更换不能修复的配件,能使用的配件全部打磨翻新。最后组装点火,测试,调整,重新登录 全下来近两个月。之间得到了很多人热心人帮忙指导,克服了自己最头疼的化油器分解和线路连接,最后点火的瞬间真是高兴啊,比提V4S还高兴😊...
XL250小档案 生产时间:1972-73 发动机形式:风冷、四冲程、单缸、四气门、OHC、248cc 启动方式:脚启动 缸径X行程:74mmX57.8mm 最大功率:17.5kw(22ps)/8000rpm 最大扭矩:2.0kgf.m/6000rpm 压缩比:9.1:1 化油器:Keihin 28mm 变速箱:5速 车重:136kg ...
This 51-year-old Honda XL 250 needed no engine work when it got to Mule Motorcycles. But it's had some tasty performance and visual upgrades.
XL250 AX-2 BAJA250 XR250 Shipment : 1.Your parcel will be shipped out within 3 business days after you pay the order. 2.You can choose the shipping method before you pay it. If you want to use other shipping method, you can contact us. ...
* Easy availability of the spare parts -- the key parts are same as parts for vehicle diesel engine,better exchange and universality and durable.* Easy maintenance -Diesel engine not require heavy maintenance. It is very easy, safe, and simple to use. Well-planned and prevent...