pivotless frame design was a little flawed for hard track use, and race teams like Moriwaki in Japan would add serious bracing around the swingarm pivot area. The ultimate answer for the track was to come later though – the VTR1000R SP1 and SP2 which won theWSBtitle under Colin Edwards...
Unless you fancy yourself in Colin Edwards' seat, the Storm really does offer more than enough." MCN, 2002. What's the Honda VTR 1000 Firestorm like now? With a grunty power delivery that makes it a joy on the road, a VTR 1000 is still a compelling conveyance. The 1997 bike below ...
而担任车手的爱华士(Colin Edwards)不负HONDA所托,凭着两台战车勇夺2000年及2002年WSBK世界冠军。彪炳战续使街道版VTR 1000 SP1及SP2声名大噪,2006年停产后更成为HONDA经典名驹之一。最近,来自法国的改装公司-PRAEM,就把经典的SP2改头换面,炮制出媲美装置艺术品的PRAEM SP3,以延续HONDA V2的神话。 成立于2014年...