本田与公司集团合作伙伴先锋(Pioneer)合作,销售可安装在任何车辆上的售后市场音频和车载导航设备系列,该系列以Gathers为品牌名称,可在本田配件门店以及日本汽车零部件零售商(如Autobacs)处购买。二手车买家则被引导至本田旗下专门销售二手车的零售连锁店——本田汽车广场(Honda Auto Terrace)。 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0...
Mr FukuiGreen technology pioneer"As a university student in the 1960s, I was working on my senior thesis - an analysis of nitrogen dioxide emissions. I had recognised the issue of emissions as an important theme - it was probably the first NO2 study in Japan. I admit that one of the r...