How often do I need to change the oil in my vehicle? SEE ANSWER What is HondaLink® and what features are available for my vehicle? SEE ANSWER What is the fuel recommendation for my Honda? SEE ANSWER How do I use Roadside Assistance?
Nothing requires special sensors, just grinding the information that is flowing through your car's computer all the time any way, and distilling it down to a personalized oil change recommendation.A lot of people who do easy freeway commutes (in their minds) are surprised to see the ...
Service Station Information . 163Fuel Fill Cap ... 163Fuel Recommendation ... 164Fuel Tank Capacity ... 164Engine Oil Recommendation ... 164Windshield Washer ... 164Tire Inflation Pressures . . 164Battery ... 164Hood Release ... 165Engine Oil Dipstick ... 166Fuel Requirements ... 166Oxyg...
High Altitude Operation 17 2 PRE-OPERATION CHECK .18 Engine Oil 18 Fuel Recommendation 19 STARTING/STOPPING THE ENGINE 21 MAINTENANCE .22 Maintenance Schedule .22 Tool Kit 23 Engine Oil Change .24 Air Cleaner Service .25 Spark Plug Service .26 Spark Arrester Maintenance 28 TRANSPORTING/STORAGE.....
change Afterdisassembly2.9liters(3.1USqt,2.6Impqt)– RecommendedengineoilHonda4-strokemotorcycleoiloran equivalent Oilrecommendation: APIclassificationSGorhigher – (exceptoilslabeledasenergyconserv- ingonthecircularAPIservicelabel) Viscosity:SAE10W-30 JASOT903standard:MA OilpressureatEOPswitch294kPa(3.0kgf/...
FollowtheMaintenanceSChedule(Section4)recommendationsto ensurethatthevehicleisinpeakoperatingconditionandtheemissionTECHNICALFEATURES levelsarewithinthestandardssetbytheU.S.EnvironmentalProtection Agency,CaliforniaAirResourcesBoardandTransportCanada.FRAME/BODYPANELS/EXHAUST SYSTEM Perlormingthefirstscheduledmaintenanceisvery...
increase the cost to you (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases). For the few that aren't the exact brand I own, I've made a recommendation after carefully weighing cost against reliable reviews, using what I know to be important in that particular tool. I am not ...
2014 Honda Odyssey LX技术参考指南说明书 T E C H N O L O G Y R E F E R E N C E G U I D E 2014 o w n e r s.h o n d a.c o m 2014 Honda Odyssey LX 31TK8A30
The engine is regarded as being hard to break, especially if you change the oil often. It is really really a good idea to clean out the engine oil filter (located at the bottom of the right side engine cover with a big hex head) every 500 miles (Honda's recommendation not just mine...
2002-2021 models This app provides, using temperature, altitude, humidity, atmospheric pressure and your engine configuration and fuel type, a recommendation ab…