而HondaJet HF120的涡轮风扇引擎则置于机翼部分。本田表示,这样设计的好处在于能够在机舱内留出更多的空间...
在此期间,本田还与通用电气合作,开发了专为HondaJet设计的HF120涡轮风扇发动机,为飞机提供了强劲的动力和高效的燃油经济性。 HondaJet的最大特点是它的创新设计,它采用了五项领先世界的革新技术,使得它在有限的尺寸下打造了越级的空间,同时速度更快、燃油消耗更低,因此在世界范围内都很受欢迎。这五项革新技术分别是:...
HondaJet装备与通用电气合作开发的HF120涡轮风扇发动机。这台发动机为双转子结构,风扇直径1.1米,两级低压压气机+单级离心式高压压气机,旁通比2.9,最大推力2095磅,约950公斤。 进入机内,先看驾驶舱。HondaJet装备GarminG3000全液晶航电系统,这套系统具备三台14.1英寸的彩色多功能显示器,并且首次采用了触屏操作,省略...
Two Honda associates work on the HF-120 — a 2,000-pound-thrust-class turbofan engine that powers HondaJet aircraft. Honda Riding Assist motorcycle, a concept model of our self-balancing motorcycle, was exhibited at CES 2017, the world’s largest consumer electronics and consumer technology trad...
unveiled plans to move to new corporate headquarters and build an adjacent jet engine manufacturing plant at the Burlington-Alamance Regional Airport in Burlington, N.G. The wholly-owned subsidiary of Honda Motor Go. Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) will produce HF120 turbofan jet engines in the 2,000-...
HondaJet全长近13m、高约4.5m,机舱乘载人数提供多种选择,动力上搭载两具HF 120发动机,并采用了新开发的革新型OTWEM布局(Over-the-Wing-Engine-Mount),将发动机安置在主翼上方的最佳位置,这一获得了发明专利的新技术大大降低了高速飞行时的阻力,加上先进的空气动力学外观设计,机头和机翼的自然层流形状,大幅提高...
Key suppliers for the HondaJet include GE Honda Aero Engines for the HF120 engines (2,050 pounds of thrust each); Garmin for the G3000 touchscreen avionics; and Emteq for its SkyPro HD IFE and cabin-management system, which features Audio/Video on Demand, interactive 3-D moving map, exte...
Billed as the “fastest, farthest and highest-flying plane in its class,” theHondaJet Elite IIfeatures a composite fuselage and a distinctive over-the-wing engine mount configuration. Speaking of which, the model is powered by a pair of GE Honda HF120 engines that each produce 2...