but the car continued to suffer from rapid draining of the battery. Yesterday I took the car in for a trade with the local Honda dealer. It had only 16,000 miles and two keys. They gave me a 2018 HRV with 61,000 miles and only one key, a 2-year limited warranty, not certified ...
Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search Drag an image here or Upload a photo *For a quick search hit CTRL+V to paste an image into the search box Download the AliExpress app EN/USD WelcomeSign in / Register ...
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From 1977 to 2021, Honda managed to convince customers to accept being an active part of the vehicle’s crumple zone by driving an Acty. You are looking (below the line) at a mid-engine AWD vehicle that is not an off-roader or sports car but is instead a substantial volume of cargo ...
I am not sure if this HRV is just a really bad paint job, or if all of them have been having problems. The way it was explained to us is that it was under the clearcoat or something. There are small places like sand or something under it that break off and cause tiny rust spots...
Needless to say I was much excited when I received my HRV in May 2022, Years after using different brand of car I was thrilled to get on hold of Honda. But that fun feeling short-lived as all the hell broke loose. Somewhere in July 2023 I notice The Steering Rack produces some weird...
4.3: The signal of your location is not good. Please go to a better place to test again 4.4: The radio antenna on the car is broken/no effect; please replace the radio antenna and test again. 5.Why can't connect the Bluetooth of car radio? 5.1.Open the phone settings interface, ope...
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At first I was going to get the Honda HRV because I have a 2004 Mazda 3 and wanted something different but the low horsepower 141 on the HRV was a turn off. Any tips for me when I pick up my new car? Is a paint protector necessary? Someone told me not to make them wash it ...
Vehicle(s) 2O16 Civic Touring 'WOP', 2016 HRV EXL w/nav. 'Milano Red' Vehicle Showcase 1 Dec 14, 2015 Thread starter #36 More like US$4,000 seeing a Touring stateside is running about US$27,000 OTD. This senario was reversed about 7 years ago so we shouldn't be too cheeky...