That's in Alberta Honda. They initially asked me to pay 34k OTD for the touring. I told them other dealers are now offering me 29,100 for the car with all the options. So they matched the offer. I just dealt with Alberta Honda today. I offered to pay $28,600 (GST included) fo...
“Acura”namesandadministersfreefloorplanfinancingprogramsforsuchdealersonbehalfofHonda CanadaInc.Additionally,theCorporationisengagedintheconsumerretailfinancingofHondaandAcura motorvehiclesandHondamotorcycles,allterrainvehicles,powerequipmentandmarineenginesaswell ...
Location Calgary Vehicle(s) 2008 Honda CRV Dec 12, 2015 #19 CivicNut said: Fellow Ontarions, Good to see a dedicated thread Finally the EX-T trims have arrived in the GTA, a few dealers now have ~5 each... Booked a test drive - although a formality, wanted to see the exa...