通过已经在海外市场投放的车型表现,已经可以大致感受到本田SPORT HYBRID e+插电式混合动力系统的优势了。本田对自家插混技术宣传语为“无限接近EV的PHEV”,那么发动机存在感减少已成定局。本田CLARITY PHEV车型仅搭载了一台1.5L自然吸气发动机。由于搭载配备17kWh容量电池,更多还是依靠于充电桩供电。至于充电信息,本田...
这辆CLARITY搭载了本田赫赫有名的SPORT HYBRID i-MMD Plug-in插电式混合动力系统,该系统在高效的SPORT HYBRID i-MMD系统基础上进行全方位升级,以实现“日常行驶近乎完全纯电化”的目标,也就是说这套混动系统能让车辆无限接近纯电动车的驾驶感受。据介绍,实际体验过程中,CLARITY能在时速为0km/h时就迸发出电机的...
这套PHEV新技术有着“无限接近纯电动”的能力,作为传统混合动力的延续,Honda为新技术取名为Sport Hybrid i-MMD Plug-in,意味着能最大限度地实现“日常行驶近乎完全纯电化”。01.本田“实现零碳排放”的道路 2012年,Honda推出了“Earth Dream Technology”全新动力总成系列,在当时Honda对新的动力系统做出过解释:...
The Honda Clarity plug-in hybrid is the most ordinary of the three Clarity models, but it’s still no Accord. read the full review 1 2018 Honda Clarity Touring Plug-In Hybrid Chris Amos|Car and Driver 2 2018 Honda Clarity Touring Plug-In Hybrid Chris Amos|Car and Driver Advertisement - ...
The Clarity plug-in hybrid is motivated by a 181-hp electric motor fed by a 17.0-kWh lithium-ion battery pack. The car's gas engine, a 1.5-liter four-cylinder, serves mainly as a generator for the battery and rarely drives the front wheels directly. The plug-in hybrid scoots to 60 ...
Honda already killed off the Clarity EV, and now the plug-in-hybrid and hydrogen-powered versions will disappear as well.
The 2018 Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid may be one of the best plug-in hybrid sedans around. Here's what we thought after spending some time testing it out.
SPORT HYBRID i-MMD Plug-in插电式混合动力系统能够最大限度发挥“从起步瞬间就可达到最大扭矩”这一电动机特性,同时将蓄电池的高输出功率等动力传动性能最佳化,以便保持在不同速度区间的纯电模式行驶。 此外,搭载了SPORT HYBRID i-MMD Plug-in插电式混合动力系统的CLARITY PHEV车型还搭配了总容量高达17kwh的锂离...
The innovative Honda Clarity becomes the first vehicle family in the automotive industry to offer fuel-cell, electric, and plug-in hybrid technology options. Plugging In Honda continues to expand its plug-in offerings with the all-electric Fit EV and Accord Plug-In. ...
The innovative Honda Clarity becomes the first vehicle family in the automotive industry to offer fuel-cell, electric, and plug-in hybrid technology options. Plugging In Honda continues to expand its plug-in offerings with the all-electric Fit EV and Accord Plug-In. ...