燃油车 SUV CR-V HR-V UR-V XR-V 轿车 第十一代新思域 思域HATCHBACK LIFE 英仕派 锐·T动 享域 跑车 CIVIC TYPE R e:HEV/e:PHEV 强电智混 SUV CR-V e:HEV HR-V e:HEV CR-V e:PHEV 轿车 第十一代新思域 e:HEV 思域HATCHBACK e:HEV 享域e:HEV 英仕派 e:PHEV MPV 艾力绅 e:HEV EV ...
全新2025 Honda Civic Hatchback同時具備運動性和實用性,並結合活力十足的動力系統選項、寬敞的車廂和充裕的行李廂空間。
Hatchback Fun Meets Hybrid Efficiency The Civic Hatchback Hybrid, winner of the2025 North American Car of the Year™, features a motorsport-inspired 200-hp hybrid powertrain,*50 city/45 highway mpg rating,*and four drive modes for a sporty and versatile drive that goes the distance. ...
Driven by our relentless determination to keep improving, we not only created the most powerful Civic ever, but also the most agile. And with its 4-mode drive system—including +R, Individual, Sport, and Comfort modes—you can instantly tune it for the track or the street. ...
基因觉醒,热擎奔赴。第十一代思域 HATCHBACK。唤醒心中热爱... 查看详情 14 2022-12 性能进阶,超乎所想 驾驭直达巅峰。第十一代思域 HATCHBACK 。耀目而生... 查看详情 16 2022-12 热擎召唤,锋芒即现 热擎召唤,超越期待。酣畅驾驭,颠覆想象。第十一代思域 HATCHBACK。即将惊艳亮相... ...
传承48年运动基因,无限接近于Type R车型的全新CIVIC思域Hatchback今日热擎上场。随着以"信仰制造"为主题的线上发布会成功举行,这款以纯粹运动美学和卓越驾控体验而享誉全球的重磅车型,正式呈现于翘首以盼的广大用户与车迷们面前。全新CIVIC思域Hatchback此次共推出4款车型,市场指导价14.39万元—16.69万元。面对愈发...
Hatchback车尾下方也装有扰流板,所以Hatchback整体也更为Sporty。头灯组顶部设有LED日间行车灯,每边灯组由9个LED组成,左三及右三是低灯时开启,而中间三个是高灯。2022 Honda Civic Hatchback。 Honda Civic Touring配备235/40R18轮胎及五幅式合金轮圈,有四轮碟式剎车,前轮是11.1吋透气碟,而后轮则是10.2...
See our expert review on the 2025 Honda Civic and where it ranks among other compact cars. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.
All Civic Hatchbacks also benefit from additional sound insulation in the floor, trunk, and front and rear fenders. This year’s changes build on model year 2019 (MY19) changes, which included the addition of the Honda Sensing® suite of safety and driver-assistive systems as standard equipm...
秉持与生俱来的TypeR血统,全新CIVIC思域Hatchback在内外设计方面与世界同步——掀背造型勾勒出更为紧致的俯冲姿态,由熏黑格栅、熏黑把手以及熏黑侧裙边等组成的黑色包围运动套件极具辨识度,时刻彰显热血气息。 车尾运动扰流板与集成尾灯式尾翼不仅带来极富张力的运动感,更能有效强化下压力,提高行驶稳定性。而中置双出排气...