Honda Civic Hatchback Sport Touring规格:长/宽/高:179.0吋 / 70.9吋 / 55.7吋重量:3,067磅动力系统:1.5升直四涡轮增压i-VTEC引擎马力:180匹@6,000扭力:177磅呎@1,700 – 4,500传动系统:6速手动变速箱耗油量(市区):13.2升/百公里耗油量(市区):28英里/加仑耗油量(公路):16.2升/...
感觉内个小suv还挺棒的,尺码不大不小,居家用刚好,2.0混动拉他也不算小马力拉大车,唯独不足之处就是木有四驱版本。不晓得HONDA还会不太会接着换代 举报 优雅蜻蜓T 12-21 2 我就是这种,又顺滑,又节油,还快,重点还把换挡前奏给你做出来了,不像TOYOTA内个拖拉机声响一个音调特别难受。比烧油贵个一万多...
Previews the 1992 Honda Civic Si Hatchback, which car watchers wonder will achieve a new era of success or failure. The Si's single-cam 16-valve 1.6-liter engine; One of four powerplants in the Civic's range; 125 bhp made with tricky VTEC hardware which is up from 17 bhp from last ...
全新2025 Honda Civic Hatchback同時具備運動性和實用性,並結合活力十足的動力系統選項、寬敞的車廂和充裕的行李廂空間。
Honda Civic在推出了11代四门房车Sedan版之后,随即发布Hatchback揭背版,这次测试的是最高级版本的Honda Civic Hatchback。 2022款本田Hatchback与四门房车版最大不同之处,就在于尾箱的开启方式,其次是车身长度比房车版短了3吋多一点,而且Hatchback版车尾设计也更为跑车化。车前方虽然设计跟房车一样,细看之下可发现进...
(随便记录下流水账)回想在2018年时候我看到了HATCHBACK的广告,那时候我就在想真帅啊,要是在国内生产销售就好了。三年疫情后(难熬)。21年当我攒了差不多时朋友开始带我逛各种4s店,bba,马自达 ,特斯拉 ,大众...然后就逛到广本,朋友问了雅阁,我看了看飞度gr9的818要订聊了差不多,出门右转进了东本,就随便聊...
Indeed, the 2.0-litre petrol engine gets hybrid technology to make it more efficient, the trim levels come with plenty of standard equipment and the hatchback design is decently practical against rivals including the Audi A3. Honda Civic video review Speaking of which, the Civic has some pretty...
The hatchback model hasn't been fully evaluated, but it did receive five stars in the rollover test. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety hasn't crash-tested the 2025 Civic at the time of writing. The mechanically similar 2024 Civic received the highest rating of Good in the three ...
广本型格Hatchback或年内上市!与海外版两厢思域一样,1.5T手动大掀背! 1303 -- 9:44 App 「11代思域两厢」TrueCostDriveandReview_2022HondaCivicHatchbackonEverymanDriver 1.7万 5 17:01 App 第一视角 试驾2022 本田思域,11代思域 977 -- 7:32 App 「11代思域两厢水泥灰」2022HondaCivicHatchbackSightsAndSoun...
2025 Honda Civic Si 10 /10 C/D RATING Starting at $31,045 EPA MPG N/A C/D SAYS:A cut above the everyday Honda Civic, the 2025 Civic Si is an affordable enthusiast's choice that's permanently set in sport mode.Learn More