Honda Malaysia 的车款在 GST 还没有调降至0%之前其实已经非常的有竞争力,在这一次 GST 调降之后的新价格更是惊人!根据原厂公布的全新价格表现在的 Honda Jazz S 只需要RM 68,422,比起之前的价格便宜了RM 4,088,至于 Honda City S 的新价格则是RM 71,648,比起旧价格便宜了RM 4,282,相信这一次的价格...
其中 City 的涨价幅度为5.3%至6.32%, Jazz 的涨价幅度为6.05%至7.20%, Honda CR-V 的涨价幅度最高,介于7.77%至9.25%(西马价格),如果是东马价格的话幅度更是达到9.26%! Honda Malaysia 表示汽车价格之所以调账是因为政府对 Completely Knock-Down (CKD) 的奖励措施进行重新定制, CKD 车款的本地组装津贴不变,...
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Honda City GM6 搭载了代号为 L15Z1 的1.5L i-VTEC 自然进气引擎,最大马力表现为120 PS,峰值扭力145 Nm,匹配的是CVT变速箱,这样的性能输出可说是同级最强之一,再加上 CVT 起步很轻快,同时加速很平顺,市区驾驶不但油耗出色,性能还很够用! 空间表现: City GM6 车身尺码上长宽高为4,442 mm X1,694 mm X1,4...
再看看 City Hatchback ,基本上 City Hatchback 的诞生更像是 Honda 为亚洲太平洋打造的专属车款,首先就是相比起 Jazz 的外观 City Hatchback 更为运动化,而且也较为符合这些市场的审美观,再来就是随着 City Hatchback 的登场基本上已经否决了 Jazz 在亚洲太平洋上市的可能性,因为 Honda 不太可能在这些市场投放两款...
Price:RM83,122 OTR without Insurance (Optional Leather Seat & Aero kit) Conclusions & Verdict Honda City Grade E is well packaged with ample luggage, passenger space, comfort and style. Mazda2 Sedan body styling not as good as the Honda but it offers on slightly ...
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Honda City ivtec is the car that almost every middle class Indian thinks of buying because of its price range and looks that it offers. This car is a 5 seater car. The headspace in the car is quite good. But the leg space is a bumper for those average height people which includes me...
Honda Malaysia today announced that it is taking another proactive measure to ensure customer safety by changing the battery in 93,929 units of Honda vehicles. This product update involves the replacement of the 12V battery for the City (2003 – 2014 YM & 2016 YM), Jazz (2009 YM, 2012 &...
Jan 7, 2013 Volkswagen Passat 1.8 TSI B7 Test Drive Review Dec 19, 2012 Nissan Sylphy Tuned By Impul 2.0 XV Test Drive Review Nov 22, 2012 Honda CR-Z Hybrid Sports Compact Review Nov 8, 2012 2012 Subaru Forester 2.0X and 2.5XT in Malaysia with Attractive Price! Sep 12, 2012Copyright...