Honda’s new flagship naked CB1000 Hornet arrives together with SP version to turn the excitement dial up to the max READ MORE Improved ergonomics, updated technology and another new member ensure Honda’s CMX family goes from strength to strength ...
CB650R and CBR650R homologated for EURO5 and now come with Showa’s ‘Big Piston’ front forks Following the announcement of new colour schemes and EURO5 homologation for the CB500F, CB500X and CBR500R, and the introduction of the new CB125F, Honda Motor Europe today confirms three mor...
2022 Honda CB300R So good Honda left it alone. There are no changes for 2022. Taking its styling cues from the CB1000R, the CB300R offers a fresh, contemporary take on the modern street bike. Plus, the light weight and upright seating make it a blast to ride. ...
HondaDreamWing上海 2019-9-30 10:43 来自微博 今年4月上海车展Honda DreamWing终于把大家翘首以盼的NEO SPORTS CAFÉ带到了中国,CB300R,CB650R,CB1000R悉数登场,也代表着这三款车型正式进入中国的消息,这次CB650R上海站巡展现场座无虚席,光650R准车主就近70名到场助阵。 ...