Honda Accord Maintenance Tips:The Accord's paint chips easily; repair the chips and scratches in the paint before they get corroded. In the Rust Belt, it's a good idea to rust proof the underneath of the vehicle to protect important components. Check the engine oil level regularly, especiall...
Maintenance:Given the oil consumption issues in modern cars and the complexity of either engine, it's vital to keep the engine oil at the proper level between oil changes. Running the engine low on oil will cause it to wear faster. This means, check the oil level regularly and top up as...
Honda’s limited warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, improper maintenance, or damage caused by acts of nature. The following is not covered under the Honda CPO warranty through the factory: Expendable items such as filters, fluids, wiper blades, etc. Maintenance procedures such as tun...
yourcarneedsmaintenance,keepinmindthatyourHondadealer’sstaffis speciallytrainedinservicingthemanysystemsuniquetoyourHonda.Your Hondadealerisdedicatedtoyoursatisfactionandwillbepleasedtoanswer anyquestionsandconcerns. Congratulations!Yourselectionofa2002HondaAccordwasawise ...