The Hybrid That Gives You More When you step up to the Sport Hybrid, Sport-L Hybrid, or Sport Touring Hybrid trim, you get distinctive sport styling and a highly responsive, 204-horsepower*powertrain, all with a 40 city/34 highway mpg rating.* ...
The Hybrid That Gives You More When you step up to the Sport Hybrid, Sport-L Hybrid, or Sport Touring Hybrid trim, you get distinctive sport styling and a highly responsive, 204-horsepower*powertrain, all with a 40 city/34 highway mpg rating.* ...
保值省油神车,2024款本田crv参数 2024年Honda CR-V HYBRID SPORT车型在纽约二手车市场亮相🚗 · 无事故记录,仅行驶5752迈,车况极佳✨ · 配置包括油电混合四驱系统,提供稳定的动力输出和环保驾驶体验🌍。同时配备倒车影像和18寸黑轮毂,运动套件一应俱全。综合油耗低至40MPG,经济实用。 · 此款车型备受瞩目,被...
在2018年购入了一辆Honda CRV后,时隔六年,今年9月我再次在同一家经销商处入手了第二辆CRV系列车型。这次我选择的是2025款Honda CRV Hybrid Touring顶配版,最终谈妥的出门价为43K。虽然并非从XHS上获取的最低价格购入,但相较于卖家的建议零售价(MSRP),我只多付出了几百到一千元的额外费用,已觉得物超所值。 当...
Maverick, Ford Bronco, Chevy trailblazer, Mazda CX30/CX5, 都不太满意。直到2024CRV Hybrid一试...
Discover the new car models Honda has available and quote your favorite. The awarded CRV, the stylish Accord or the mighty Civic. Contact us now!
长期以来,东风本田的CRV在SUV销量榜上都是佼佼者,其燃油版车型的市场表现一直令人瞩目。随着新能源汽车市场的蓬勃发展,本田迅速捕捉到了这一趋势,于是在中国市场推出了首款插电混动车型——东风Honda CR-V 锐·混动e+。虽然它的名字稍显冗长,但其所搭载的i-MMD混动技术却相当成熟。配备的SPORT Hybrid e+系统...
在外观方面,2023款的Honda CR-V经过新升级,前脸设计与Pilot相似。其尾部设计简洁明快,尾灯造型类似Volvo。纯油版的CRV没有尾部配置标,前后外观没有Hybrid的电镀亮框。相比之下,RAV4的外观设计仍显老旧,尚未升级;而Forester的尾部设计略显复杂,不够简约。
America's best-selling SUV of the past quarter century just raised the stakes, as the all-new 2023 Honda CR-V debuted with a rugged and sophisticated design, along with a new, more advanced 4th-generation hybrid-electric system for a fuel-efficient, sporty and more capable driving experience...