Related to Homophones:Homographs Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> homonym homophone Words related to homophone nountwo words are homophones if they are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning or spelling or both (e ...
To distinguish them in a sentence, we can replace « où » (where) with « ici» (here) and « ou » with «ou bien» (or else)- F Examples:1. Elle va où elle veut : Elle va là-bas (She goes where she wants/ she goes there)2. Vous préférez un café ou ...
Printing Tip: If you are printing the answers on the back, make sure that your printer is set toFLIP ON SHORT SIDE. There is also a Google Forms version if ou would like to go digital. Total Pages Answer Key Included Teaching Duration ...
French Homophones: A a- first letter of theFrench alphabet a- third person singular conjugation ofavoir(to have) Il a une question- He has a question à(preposition) - to, at, in Je vais à la banque- I'm going to the bank abaisse(s)- singular conjugations of abaisser (to lower) ...
So, when the child has learned the OU phonogram and how to read the /ow/ sound, you could teach flour. Teach the child what the word means as well. Then, after some time has passed, a few weeks at least with lots of practice reading this word, if the child has learned to read ...
So, when the child has learned the OU phonogram and how to read the /ow/ sound, you could teach flour. Teach the child what the word means as well. Then, after some time has passed, a few weeks at least with lots of practice reading this word, if the child has learned to read ...