While testing on homogeneous rocks usually results in either elasto-plastic or elastic-brittle stress-strain behavior, yield highly heterogeneous rocks with a mixture of weak and strong components a strain hardening behavior [36]. Fracture propagation upper bound depends on the sample size because of...
As a simple example, consider an infinitely long, cylindrical pore of diameter D connecting two reservoirs that contain a three-component mixture of hard spheres under identical physical conditions (packing fraction and concentrations). The fluid in the reservoirs consists of a majority component – ...
Carboxylic acid groups disturb the charge balance around the CNTs and induce an electronic polarity,39 leading to an enhanced solubility in common organic and inorganic solvents.40–46 Initially, a concentrated H2SO4:HNO3 (3:1 by volume) mixture was selected since it has been known to interca...
Finally, we complete the picture by analysing the third component of the cost function. This refers to the homogeneity in the bundles, which is measured by the distance in the local parameters of the non-prime steel products that are included in the same bundle (low distances results in high...
(>1 mM). Instead, we argue that the dominant mechanism for propulsion relies on the electrocatalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, which contributes only negligibly to the overall rate of peroxide consumption. A similar picture was suggested for the self-electrophoresis of gold-platinum ...
The gas mixture was analyzed using a GC (Agilent 4890D) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and a packed column (Carbon molecular sieve TDX-01) using argon as the carrier gas. The recycling test The heterogeneous Ru0 catalyst and the homogeneous RuCl3 catalyst can be recycled...
Because of the heat generated by the polymerization, the reaction mixture was stirred with sufficient care so that it could be gradually and efficiently cooled. Stirring was stopped; the reaction temperature was kept constant, and the mixture was allowed to stand. Finally, changes in the reaction...
Experiments on similar iron complexes suggest that a disproportionation reaction may occur from 6, leading to a mixture of N2H5+ and a smaller amount of NH4+. However, the exact mechanism of ammonia formation from this pathway is unclear [68]. This mechanism is energetically more favorable, ...
Experiments on similar iron complexes suggest that a Molecules 2011, 16 456 disproportionation reaction may occur from 6, leading to a mixture of N2H5+ and a smaller amount of NH4+. However, the exact mechanism of ammonia formation from this pathway is unclear [68]. This mechanism is ...
CO2 has been reduced by [(bpy)Rh(Cp*)Cl]Cl in a mixture of MeCN:TEOA = 5:1, using [Ru(bpy)3]2+ as a photosensitizer. After 10 h of irradiation, formic acid has been detected as the sole reduced carbon species (TON = 125), besides the significant evolution of hydrogen (TON = ...