homogeneous mixture为均匀混合物,heterogeneous mixture为非均匀混合物,二者的主要区别如下:一、表达事物不同 1、均匀混合物:指不管提取该物质的哪一个部分,它的成分含量比例都是相同的混合物。2、非均匀混合物:是混合物按照一定方式分类后的一类混合物称呼。二、辨别方法不同 1、均匀混合物:通常通...
1、homogeneous mixture是均匀混合物;heterogenous mixture是非均匀混合物 2、均匀混合物是指两种或多个物质混合在一起,但是肉眼并不能完全区分出两种或多种物质,比如说盐水就是均匀混合物。从盐水中,你并不能区分出盐和水。非均匀混合物是指两种或多个物质混合在一起,肉眼可以区分出混合物中的每一...
Now, there are two main kinds of mixtures: homogeneous and heterogeneous.Uh maybe I should put this on the board.Whether a mixture is homogeneous or heterogeneous, well, this relates to the notion of “phase”. Remember, we defined the word “phase” as being one physical state, whether so...
In aheterogeneousmixture, different samples from the mixture are not identical to each other. There are always two or more phases in a heterogeneous mixture, and you can identify a region with properties that are distinct from those of another region even if they are in the same state of mat...
heterogeneous mixture [核] 不均匀混合物 homogeneous mixture 均匀混合物
In chemistry but also in everyday life, we are very often confronted with mixtures, be they homogeneous or heterogeneous. Think for example of hard liquor, basically a homogeneous mixture of ethanol and water, but also of fog, a heterogeneous mixture of air and minuscule water droplets. First...
Now, there are two main kinds of mixtures: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Maybe I should put this on the board. Whether a mixture is homogeneous or heterogeneous... well... this relates to the notion of “phase”. Remember we defined the word “phase” as being one physical state, whether...
Mixtures can be classified as either heterogeneous or homogeneous. Homogeneous mixtures have a uniform composition throughout its bulk. Heterogeneous mixtures have a non-uniform composition.
homogeneousvs.heterogeneousmixtures The wordshomogeneousandheterogeneousare most often used in scientific contexts, particularly in chemistry to describemixtures. Homogeneousmixtures areuniformin structure or composition. For example, if you mix table salt into water, this mixture ishomogeneousbecause the salt...