Definition noun (taxonomy) A genus comprised ofprimates characterized by bipedalism, skills in tool usage, and large cranial capacity. Supplement Homoincludes manyprimitivehumanancestors believed to be extinct and modern human beings (Homo sapiens). Word origin:Latinhomo(human being, man) Related term...
Further information: Names for the human species and Human taxonomy Carl Linnaeus coined the name Homo sapiens All modern humans are classified into the species Homo sapiens, coined by Carl Linnaeus in his 1735 work Systema Naturae.[9] The generic name "Homo" is a learned 18th-century derivatio...
The physical anthropology literature reveals considerable disagreement on whether discrete biological races, or subspecies, exist within Homo sapiens, and which races to recognize if they do exist. The authoritative work on zoological taxonomy by Mayr and Ashlock defines a subspecies as 'an aggregate ...
Replacement Model of Human Origins | Definition & Criticisms Homo Sapiens History & Characteristics Homo Ergaster Facts, Habitat & Diet Australopithecus Garhi Taxonomy & Characteristics The Regional Continuity Model of Human Origin: Characteristics, Assertions & Critiques Neanderthal Overview, History & Featur...
Thus an evolving lineage, which presumably had no sequential breaks in the ability of its members to interbreed, by definition is a single species. Homo erectus sensu lato An alternative view recognizes H. erectus (sensu lato) as a widely dispersed, polytypic species distinct from H. sapiens ...
Wolpoff MH, Xinzhi W, Thorne AG (1984) ModernHomo sapiensorigins: a general theory of hominid evolution involving the fossil evidence from east Asia. In: Smith FH, Spencer F (eds) The origins of modern humans. Liss, New York Google Scholar ...
(2011): Homo sapiens is as Homo sapiens was: Behavioral variability versus "behavioral modernity" in Paleolithic archaeology. Current Anthropology 51 (1), 1–35. Shu, Weiguo, Min MIn Lu, Yuzhen Zhang, Philip W. Tucker, Deying Zhou & Edward E. Morrisey (2007): Foxp2 and Foxp1 ...
Homo sapiens, the species to which all modern human beings belong and the only member of the genus Homo that is not extinct. The name ‘Homo sapiens’ was applied in 1758 by the father of modern biological classification, Carolus Linnaeus. The earliest f