If you own Heroes 3 SoD or Complete and can that verify by one file uploading, you can get very nice Heroes 3 map background on your tablet or phone. To grab the app, take a lookhere. To see its gitlab peekthere. Thanks for sending that to us Ilya!
Pure_Chaos Bad-mannered Known Hero Destroyer of Morons posted August 07, 2002 11:32 PM I wonder what poor fool would actually bother spending several minutes of their life to decode this 'story'. Send Instant Message | Send E-Mail | View Profile | Quote Reply | Link ...
Stronghold has the advantage of hiring any hero; a significant advantage, since players will only be able to hire heroes associated with their town type. Note: A necromancer will not be able to use life magic, like as a knight with chaos magic. 3. Yes heroes will be able to fight ...
one magic system. Just have one hero cast Haven spell, then 2nd hero cast some Chaos lightening or something. Not only that, but if heroes can be killed or knocked out, it would be prime objective it seems to me to reach enemy hero and eliminate him in middle of battle, no more ...
(or even poor) might hero. In terms of lore, when you face a powerful spellcaster, you should be ‘bricking it’ about the chaos their spells could reap. That is not the case at the moment, and the game is a sadder place for that. Anyway, here’s my 2 cents regarding secondary ...
Hero of Chaos posted June 26, 2001 11:07 AM implosion Cant remeber where I read that high level heroes in heroes 4 will be powerful as black dragons, but single black dragon can be slained during 1 turn by shoot of all shooters and ballista and if heroes will be vulnerable to magic it...
8 lvl. Chaos Blader : Attacks two additional random enemies when attacking. Counterattack against shooting.High Land1 lvl. Defender/ Mountain Guard Upg : Increases defense by 10 from start of battle until attack2 lvl. Javeliner/ Harpooner : Shooting...