The meaning of HOMININ is any of a taxonomic tribe (Hominini) of hominids that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms.
Omo revisited: Evaluating the technological skills of pliocene hominids. Curr. Anthropol. 45, 439–465 (2004). Article Google Scholar Delagnes, A. & Roche, H. Late Pliocene hominid knapping skills: The case of Lokalalei 2C, West Turkana, Kenya. J. Hum. Evol. 48, 435–472 (2005)....
First hominid from the Miocene (Lukeino Formation, Kenya). C. R. Acad. Sci 332, 137–144 (2001). Google Scholar Haile-Selassie, Y. H., Suwa, G. & White, T. D. Late Miocene teeth from Middle Awash, Ethiopia, and early hominid dental evolution. Science 303, 1503–1505 (2004). ...
Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba: The Oldest Hominid There was a chief new discovery of fossil bones and teeth belonging to the earliest human ancestors ever discovered. The fossil bones predate the oldest formerly discovered human ancestor by more than a million years. The discovery was of fossil rema...
all aimed at answering the major questions of the evolution of hominid diets, such as: meat-eating emergence, hunting vs. scavenging, hunting technologies, and resource intensification in later humans. 'Assembling a rich blend from the realms of archaeology, paleoanthropology and isotopic analysis, ...
FOSSIL hominidsDENISOVANSFOSSIL animalsNEANDERTHALSFOSSILSThis paper reviews significant issues related to the fossil hominins from the Altai Mountains of Siberia (Russia), namely Denisovans, Neanderthals, and early modern humans. Uncritical acceptance of the recovered information by some authors has resulted...
Landscapes and Hominids' environments: Changes between the Lower and the Early Middle Pleistocene in Java (Indonesia). Quat. Int. 223–224, 451–454 (2010). 40. Sémah, A.-M. et al. The palaeoenvironmental context of the Palaeolithic of Java: A brief review. Quat. Int. 416, 38–45...
Gunz, P. Statistical and Geometric Reconstruction of Hominid Crania: Recon-structing Australopithecine Ontogeny Ph.D. thesis, University of Vienna (2005). Bookstein, F. L. Principal warps: thin-plate splines and the decomposition of deformations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11, ...
Effects of verbal instruction vs. modelling on imitation and overimitation Article Open access 19 October 2021 Neuroplasticity enables bio-cultural feedback in Paleolithic stone-tool making Article Open access 18 February 2023 References Roche, H. et al. Early hominid stone tool production and ...
Hominid tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones recovered from the Hadar formation: 1974–1977 collections. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 57, 701–719 (1982). 46. McNulty, K. P. & Vinyard, C. J. Morphometry, geometry, function, and the future. Anat. Rec. 298, 328–333 (2015). 47. ...