Homo erectusis often referred to as the firstcosmopolitanhominin lineage, meaning the first hominin species whose geographic range had expanded beyond a single continental region. While fossil remains fromH. erectusare found in Africa, like those of earlier hominins, they have also been identified at...
Given that bonobos have not been reported to use stone tools in the wild, this species has limited value as a direct model of early hominin stone technology. However, the controversy around the stone tool use abilities of hominins 6–8 Ma highlights the important role that bonobos play in ...
Given that bonobos have not been reported to use stone tools in the wild, this species has limited value as a direct model of early hominin stone technology. However, the controversy around the stone tool use abilities of hominins 6–8 Ma highlights the important role that bonobos play in ...
JASs forum: Paleogenomics, Hominins and language 285 In any case, what we find unclear or even contradictory in Di Vincenzo & Manzi is the statement that "the presence of the FOXP2 gene in Neanderthals points not so much to a devel- oped L[anguage] F[aculty] in that species [...] ...
I take it that humans have developed this top-down capacity, as a matter of degree, beyond that of any other species—so I speak in terms of “increases in intentional listening” rather than the onset of intentional listening per se. A full analysis of intentional listening will need to ...
Our close cousins the chimpanzees, the bonobos, the gorillas, and the orangutans are also part of this group, with branches of our extended family having split from the human species several million years ago.Answer and Explanation: There are several distinguishing features of the hominid lineage,...
Dobres M-A (2001) Meaning in the making: agency and the social embodiment of technology and art. In: Schiffer MB (ed) Anthropological perspectives on technology. Amerind Foundation Google Scholar Dobres M-A, Hoffman CR (1994) Social agency and the dynamics of prehistoric technology. J Arch...
Hominin, any member of the zoological ‘tribe’ Hominini (family Hominidae, order Primates), of which only one species exists today—Homo sapiens. The term is used most often to refer to extinct members of the human lineage, including Homo neanderthalens
“brainier” thanH. rudolfensisandH. ergaster. A similar interpretive challenge is presented byNeanderthalsversus modern humans. Neanderthals had larger brains than earlierHomospecies, indeed rivaling those of modern humans. Relative to body mass, however, Neanderthals are less brainy than anatomically ...
afarensisderive from Hadar, a site in Ethiopia’s Afar Triangle.Au. afarensisfossils have also been found in Chad, Kenya, and Tanzania. The main fossil sample of this species also comes from Hadar, and the specimens found there include a 40-percent-complete skeleton of an adult female (“Lu...