A member of the family of humans, Hominidae, which consists of all species on the human side of the last common ancestor—the missing link of humans and living apes; some scientists include the great apes in the superfamily of all apes, the Hominoidea, whose members are called hominoids; ...
Paranthropus robustus is a small-brained extinct hominin from South Africa characterized by derived, robust craniodental morphology. The most complete known skull of this species is DNH 7 from Drimolen Main Quarry, which differs from P. robustus specimen
2012) and their extensive tool use repertoires (Whiten et al.,1999), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are the primate species most often used in studies assessing potential tool-related behavioural processes across hominin species (e.g., Carvalho et al.,2009; Arroyo et al.,2016). Furthermore, w...
The second part of the section provides a comparison of the northern Tanzania plant foods with plant foods in previously documented savanna chimpanzee habitats. Discussion The northern Tanzanian semi-arid savannas include fewer fleshy fruit bearing tree species, and fewer fruiting trees in general, ...
species in order to consume the nuts’ highly caloric kernel (Boesch and Boesch,1983,1984; Biro et al.,2006; Carvalho et al.,2008,2009). Here, we will focus on studies of stone hammer and anvil use in chimpanzees. Previous studies have proposed that chimpanzee nut-cracking shares ...
Objectives The Middle Pleistocene (MP) saw the emergence of new species of hominins: Homo sapiens in Africa, H. neanderthalensis, and possibly Denisovans in Eurasia, whose most recent common ancestor is thought to have lived in Africa around 600ka ago. However, hominin remains from this period ...
species such asH. sapiensare unlikely to be able to respond to such rapid changes by genetic adaptation alone. Instead, they may have responded plasticly, by utilizing their cognitive abilities to support social learning, with adaptation being primarily cultural40. Although climatic changes and their...
Also, geo- graphical and/or behavioural isolation can bring about separate species (even if they are able to pro- duce fertile hybrids when they eventually inter- breed). In fact, this could have been the case with Neanderthals and AMHs. In other words, both groups were geographically and ...
species such asH. sapiensare unlikely to be able to respond to such rapid changes by genetic adaptation alone. Instead, they may have responded plasticly, by utilizing their cognitive abilities to support social learning, with adaptation being primarily cultural40. Although climatic changes and their...
fossil sites of recentHomospecies Fossils ofHomohave been found in several locations in Africa and Eurasia. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Homo habilisfossil finds A selection of fossil finds associated withHomo habilis.H. habilis... Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ...