The death rate in the U.S. had hovered around the same level since 1990 until there was a large increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years. Heart disease, cancer, and accidents were the three leading causes of death in the country in 2022. The rate of death from heart dis...
and Philadelphia — and found an additional 218 murders last year, compared to 2020. And while the overall increase in the homicide rate slowed, murder rates in St. Petersburg, Florida, (108%) and Austin (86%) skyrocketed
Regional differences in the impact of the “stand your ground” law in Florida. Prev Med. 2018;115:68-75. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.08.010PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 23. Biglan A, Ary D, Wagenaar AC. The value of interrupted time-series experiments for community ...