Customer reviews for Homeworld Remastered Collection Overall Reviews: Very Positive(11,200 reviews) Recent Reviews: Very Positive(50 reviews) Review Type Purchase Type Language Date Range Playtime Display Show graph Filters Your Languages Loading reviews......
Buy Homeworld Remastered Collection Deluxe EditionBUNDLE(?) Buy this bundle to save 75% off all 3 items! Bundle info -75% Your Price: ¥ 40.50 Add to Cart Buy Homeworld Remastered Collection and Deserts of Kharak BundleBUNDLE(?) Buy this bundle to save 0% off all 2 items!
這是Paul Ruskay 為《Homeworld 2 Remastered》創作的官方原聲帶!內含 .MP3 和 FLAC 格式的音檔。內含《Homeworld 2 Remastered》的 58 首曲目。 CN¥31 新增至購物車新增至願望清單 附加內容 《Homeworld 1 Remastered》原聲帶 這是Paul Ruskay 為《Homeworld 1 Remastered》創作的官方原聲帶!內含 .MP3 和 FLAC...
Homeworld Remastered Collection 家园 复刻收藏版的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Platforms:Mac,PC (Microsoft Windows) Editions:See 2 more editions of this game Remaster Homeworld Homeworld Remastered Collection updates and introduces the landmark space strategy games to modern audiences. The collection includes Homeworld and Homeworld 2, painstakingly remastered by Gearbox in ...Read...
《家园:高清重制版合集(Homeworld Remastered Collection)》游民星空评测8.8分 感星海之绝唱 伤前缘之难继 《家园》依照着一种类似“石头、剪刀、布”的相生相克原理设计了自己的舰船,比如战斗机适合用来对抗轰炸机、轰炸机则比较适合用来打击更大型的舰船与建筑物等。具体的情况要比上述内容还要复杂一些,而随着单位的...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
看到GOG打折卖10元钱,忽然想起steam库里有这个一直没玩,去创意工坊一找竟然有高达mod!瞬间回到了初中寒假的下午 0 有用 [已注销] 2020年11月15日 gog 20 <前页 1 2 3 后页> (共57个) > 返回 家园 复刻收藏版 Homeworld Remastered Collection 类别:游戏 / 即时战略 / 策略 ©...
Homeworld® Remastered Collection Homeworld: Emergence Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Acheter tous les jeux de la série. Si vous possédez déjà un jeu de la série, il ne sera pas ajouté à votre panier. 301 Ajouter la série au panier Vous aimerez surement Notes...
About Homeworld: Remastered Collection Crafted with the assistance and guidance of the original creators as well as the help of a passionate fan community, Homeworld Remastered Collection introduces Relic’s acclaimed space strategy games Homeworld and Homeworld 2 to modern players and operating systems...