The Homeworld franchise has been around for a while, with two PC titles and a third slated for a release early next year. Back in 2019, Gearbox announced they were working on two games, Homeworld 3 and Homeworld Mobile, of which the latter has hit the virtual shelves today. Finally, afte...
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Gearbox Publishing and Blackbird Interactive have released full PC system requirements for the upcoming sequel of the popular Homeworld RTS series, Homeworld 3. The game will support all the latest AMD and Nvidia technologies, as well as HDR and Raytracing, and has pretty high requirements for an...
游戏发行:Gearbox Software 游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2015年2月25日 官方网站:http://homeworldremastered...
Homeworld 3 PC System Requirements Here are the system requirements forHomeworld 3on PC: Nothing too extreme The minimum, recommended, and arguably even high requirements are quite minimal. All three even alow for an Intel ARC discrete GPU, requiring only 8GB of VRAM. All presets except for min...
Here is the launch trailer: Homeworld Remastered Collectionwill release February 25 for PC on Steam. Related:Homeworld Remastered 4K Cinematics Trailer Source:GearboxSoftware