Homeworld Classic Homeworld 2 Classic Erlebe die epischen Weltraum-Strategiespiele, die das Echtzeitstrategie-Genre neu erfunden haben. Befehlige deine Flotte und baue in mehr als 30 Einzelspielermissionen eine Armada auf. Wähle Einheitentypen, Flottenformationen und Flugtaktiken je nach strategische...
Homeworld Remastered Steam Multiplayer As a bonus, you will also receive free access to: Homeworld Classic Homeworld 2 Classic Experience the epic space strategy games that redefined the RTS genre. Control your fleet and build an armada across more than 30 single-player missions. Choose unit types...
HOMEWORLD CLASSIC HOMEWORLD 2 CLASSIC HOMEWORLD REMASTERED STEAM MULTIPLAYER BONUS CONTENT As a free bonus, this collection also includes original, non-remastered versions of Homeworld Classic and Homeworld 2 Classic, preserving the purest form of the original releases with compatibility for modern operatin...
包括34 项 Steam 成就 查看 所有34 项 名称:Homeworld Remastered Collection 类型:模拟,策略 开发商:Gearbox Software,Aspyr (Mac) 发行商:Gearbox Publishing,Aspyr (Mac) 系列:Homeworld 发行日期:2015 年 2 月 25 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论访问创意工坊查找社区组 ...
Homeworld 2 Remastered Edition As a bonus, you will also receive free access to: Homeworld Classic Homeworld 2 Classic Homeworld Remastered Steam Multiplayer Beta Key Features: Build and battle with more than 100 space ships Updated high-res textures and models ...
This code entitled you to Homeworld Remastered Collection (PC) on Steam, which includes Homeworld Remastered and Homeworld 2 Remastered, along with bonus archival versions of Homeworld Classic and Homeworld 2 Classic, plus access to the Homeworld Remastered Steam Multiplayer Beta beginning February 25!
Homeworld 2 Remastered Edition Homeworld Remastered Steam Multiplayer As a bonus, you will also receive free access to: Homeworld Classic Homeworld 2 Classic Experience the epic space strategy games that redefined the RTS genre. Control your fleet and build an armada across more than 30 single-playe...
F:\afd\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\Bin\Release\SteamLobby.dll, loaded at 0x009c0000 - 31744 ...
Homeworld 2 Classic Homeworld Remastered Steam Multiplayer Beta 游戏截图 游戏视频 ---...
作为免费赠品,此系列还包括Homeworld Classic和Homeworld 2 Classic的原创,非重新制作版本,保留了原始版本的最纯粹形式,兼容现代操作系统。 Homeworld Remastered Collection还可以访问Homeworld Remastered Steam多人游戏。Homeworld和Homeworld 2的竞争多人模式已合并为一个集中模式,允许您访问内容(比赛,地图和游戏模式)以及两...