If you do have my Meditate by Candlelight mod, your sims can gain an extra bonus to performance increase if they have the Meditative Energy moodlet.InteractionDo Extra Credit Homework Available on all computers and MultiTabs. 3 Options: Do Extra Credit Indefinitely, for 2 Hours, or 4 Hours....
SImGuruModSquad also says this is supposed to be fixed: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16880150/#Comment_16880150Going to mark this as such. Good LuckCrin I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot...
NPCs will only do their Homework autonomously when they are at Home *** Languages available: English (default) Chinese by Licer Japanese by maru dada Portuguese by AnnaSims *** Mod Support available via my Discord: https://discord.gg/KpZsvRM...
NPCs Only at Home NPCs will only do their Homework autonomously when they are at Home *** Languages available:English (default)Chinese by LicerJapanese by maru dadaPortuguese by AnnaSims *** Mod Support available via my Discord: https://discord.gg/KpZsvRMCurseForge...