What is the difference between Hiragana and Kanji? What defines folk music? What were the primary characteristics of classicism in music? What instruments are used in folk music? What instruments are used in English folk music? What is the Japanese alphabet?
There are over 5000 languages in the world using different systems of alphabets and symbols.Answer and Explanation: The Japanese language for writing was adapted from the Chinese and includes Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Katakana is a series of Japanese symbols......
As in, "I finished my Japanese study today!" "I finished my homework!" "The project is now finished" "I finished doing the dishes and moved on to the laundry" 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 alexa-hiroki 5月4日 日语 "I finished my Japanese study today!"→今日の日本語の勉強を終...
Japanese Translation Romaji,Hiragana,Katakana,Kanji,Study... Learn Languages Spanish,German,French,Italian,Portuguese... Math Homework Help Quiz Games,Arithmetic,Trigonometry... Math for Kids (K-6) Math I,Math II,Math III,Math IV... Math Puzzles ...
关于日语 的问题 Can someone help me explain these terms in japanese? I need it for my homework and I'm a little confused次の概念(言葉)の意味を日本語で説明しなさい。阪神・淡路大震災: 認定NPO法人: コロナ禍: 代表理事: 地域社会: 常勤職員: 仮設住宅: 福利厚生: 少子高齢化: furu...
"your graduation thesis sounds more difficult (than my homework)" →(あなたの)卒業論文の方が大変そう is common, but you could also say 卒業論文の方がより大変そう. You have to add の方が after 卒業論文, in this case.卒業論文より makes us feel "than a graduation thesis" in this ...
@LilataniaI was not able to catch what you wanna say in your Japanese sentence. Give me the text in English?@
次に、国がまだ未熟で浮かんでいる肉脂のような状態で、クラゲのように漂っている時に、葦の芽のように芽吹く物から出現した神の名は、宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神。 http://kojiki.kokugakuin.ac.jp/kojiki/%E5%A4%A9... Highly-rated answerer ...
Are Japanese names written in Katakana or Hiragana? When was Hangul invented? Did Russia use the Greek alphabet? Did the Mycenaeans use the Greek alphabet? Did the Japanese alphabet come from the Chinese alphabet? Is the Cyrillic alphabet the same as the Greek alphabet? Where did the phonetic...
What language is the Avesta written in? Which Indian language is closest to Sanskrit? What are some features of the Phoenician alphabet? What was unique about the Phoenician alphabet? How many words are in the Arabic alphabet? What are hiragana, katakana and kanji?