by placing the homestead into a living trust and adding a pour-over will, a substantial measure of estate planning may be accomplished as well. The delay and expenses of probate (although generally modest in Texas) are reduced or eliminated. Why?
Places of interest in El Paso County, Texas include Big Bend, Carlsbad Caverns, Maar volcanic craters and The Mescalero Apache Nation and the El Paso Zoo. Cities and towns located in El Paso County, Texas include El Paso, Horizon City, Socorro, Anthony, Clint, Vinton, Agua Dulce, Butterfiel...
Walton, J.D. Moncada and M. Tavares, Brackish groundwater treatment and concentrate disposal for the home- stead Colonia, El Paso, Texas, Report prepared by The University of Texas at El Paso for the US Bureau of Reclamation, Water Treatment Technology Program, Report No. 32, 1999....