The San Diego Jewish Homeschoolers Group in sunny California provides a strong growing network of homeschooling support and resources for Jewish homeschoolers in or around the San Diego area. They welcome all levels of Jewish observance and all levels of teaching philosophy (structured, relaxed, cla...
aA separate group of mice received retrograde injections of rabies viral vector, carrying GCaMP3 and DsRed genes (produced in the laboratory of Dr. Edward M. Callaway, Salk Institute for Biological Study, San Diego, CA, USA). 一个分开的小组老鼠接受了在博士实验室生产的狂犬病病毒传染媒介,运载...
San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Google Scholar Neuman A. (2003). Home schooling in Israel. Unpublished doctoral thesis. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Neuman, A., & Aviram, R. (2003). Home schooling as a fundamental change in lifestyle. Evaluation and Research in Education,...
Five times a year you'll receive the freshest, most cutting-edge homeschool help available. Find answers to the questions you didn't even know you had! Plus, our digital edition is the same low price anywhere in the world. Now you can subscribe outside the USA and get instant access to...