However, by following state guidelines and keeping thorough documentation, you will be fine. You will be able to send over anything future schools request, or better yet, send your graduate off with all of their homeschool high school paperwork when they move out so they can take control of...
1. Review state guidelines First, review your state’s guidelines for homeschooling. While families can homeschool in all 50 states, each state has different legal options under which you can homeschool. In Texas, for instance, there is just one legal option: all homeschooling families are co...
I don’t want to parent according to someone else’s set of rules and guidelines. I don’t want to be bound by a label – ANY label – that can only serve to further misconceptions and prejudices, to box me in in someone’s mind, to lump me in a category with anyone else. Unscho...
town of Canton filed a petition for care and protection, with respect to education, of two homeschooled children. The details of the case are spelled out in the decision itself. The Court, after providing guidelines by which school officials might evaluate home education plans, required Canto....
CHEF of Louisiana provides these guidelines for writing your letter of intent to home educate in the state of Louisiana under the private school law. Louisiana Home Education Network Announcement List The purpose of this list is to alert homeschoolers to upcoming events or legislation, particularly ...
You need to understand the administrative requirements of teaching your child. From following state guidelines to preparing weekly lessons, there is a lot of work involved in teaching your kids. You can follow online homeschooling programs, but you’ll ultimately have to do all the work yourself...
You have the right to homeschool your child. Since school attendance is a regulated activity, keep in mind that you will be held responsible for your child's learning. Regulations vary by state, and each state offers guidelines regarding specific procedures for withdrawing your child from the pu...
For our writer's guidelines, click here. "News" items should be of national and/or international interest, should be directly related to homeschooling (not parenting or general politics), and should not promote a product. That includes websites! We offer free listings for homeschool events on...
Online access to complete text of Colorado statutes. Those pertaining to home education include: 22-33-104 (Compulsory school attendance); 22-33-104.5 (Home-based education - legislative declaration - definitions - guidelines); 22-7-409, 1.2-d-III (Assessments); and 22-32-116.5 (Extracurricula...
Vermont law specifically refers to homeschooling in 16 V.S.A. § 11(a)(21) and 16 V.S.A. § 166b. To homeschool under this statute, you’ll need to follow these guidelines. Necessary steps include sending in a written enrollment notice, submitting a narrative describing the content to...