The Journal of Home Schooling Online offers a wide range of resources, helpful tips and activities for the new and veteran homeschool family. Find timely articles and much more...
Looking to start homeschooling in Michigan? Join Legacy online school for a comprehensive homeschool program. Perfect for Michigan families wanting to homeschool with confidence.
Gifted children may be book-smart, or geniuses in different subjects such as arts, music, and mathematics. In spite of their obvious talents, most of these children tend to fall behind their peers in class. This can be attributed to factors such as boredom and lack of interest, as well a...
Homeschooling a gifted child can be done. In fact, you will find that your gifted child can flourish like never before when educated at home. Here you'll find support, encouragement, ideas, and strategies for homeschooling your gifted child. Special Needs Children with special needs, includ...
Homeschooling Gifted ChildrenJacque Ensign
One of my postsWhy Parents of Gifted Children are Turning to Homeschooling, generated some very heated comments. One very passionate teacher had this to say: I do love my job, but I am making plans to leave it. The problem is that I just cannot meet all of the demands I’m under wi...
Looking to start homeschooling in Michigan? Join Legacy online school for a comprehensive homeschool program. Perfect for Michigan families wanting to homeschool with confidence.
Educators for you! Homeschooling & Tutoring Services Contact UsPay Online Services for You Educators for You specializes in helping learning challenged children reach their ultimate potential. We help students with ADHD, dyslexia, Autism, Asperger’s, and even gifted students who are thirsty for a ...
Other than standardized testing, parents may feel inclined to have their homeschooled children tested in other ways. For example, to determine special needs or gifted learning. Examples of common tests for homeschoolers include placement tests (which are especially helpful for new homeschooled studen...
Computerclassesandonlinetutorialscanalsosupplementhomeschoolingevenforfamiliesintheabovementionedsituations.Parentscanchoosetointegrateschoolandreallifeactivitiesandcanprovidemoreflexible“schooldays”fortheirchildren.Discussion 1.Whatisthepurposeofeducation?•Thepurposeofeducationistodevelopourknowledge,skillsandcharacter,...