Homeschool co-ops are a way for like-minded families to join together to provide a range of educational programming for their children. Families are partners in running the co-ops and often have a say in such issues as what classes or socialization activities will be pursued. Unlike a tradit...
Keep in mind that a co-operative is often a time commitment. Not only will you have to take your child to the classes, but many co-ops require that parents volunteer to do something within the co-op, such as teach a class or help with paperwork. Start a New Co-op In situations whe...
I guess our co-ops were a bit Sylvester-sh, Bob-ish AND Beatrice-ish because our homeschool high schoolers did all these activities with their favorite teacher, Sabrina! SO, how do you handle Shakespeare for homeschool co-ops? One way is to use 7SistersHomeschool’s soon-to-be-released...
JAHE is a 501C-3 support group ministry. Membership to JAHE is $35.00 per year, and provides families access to weekly e-announcements, quarterly newsletter, couples and parent meetings and student family activities, picnics, field trips, sports programs, band, and a variety of co-ops and le...
This is great for home school co-ops or for traditional teachers that would like to incorporate non-traditional reading into their class rooms. This literature unit is amazing for summer reading as well.Elizabeth Fogle
We can connect you with various groups, clubs, classes and co-ops in the area. We are a free group that primarily connects through Facebook. This is a very inclusive group, though we have connections to groups both Christian and secular. McKinney Area Christian Homeschoolers (MARCH) Edit ...
Am I planning on returning my child to a traditional school in the near future or am I trying homeschooling as a potential long-term option? Does my child do well with more desk work, or do they need to move regularly? How much room do I have to store extra materials?
In this episode of the Dollars and Sense Show podcast, host Carol Topp continues her topic “Who’s Afraid of the IRS?” and discusses how the IRS sees homeschool co-ops, nonprofit incorporation, for-profit homeschool groups, and what happen when a nonporift loses its 501(c)(3) tax ...
A homeschool co-op, short for cooperative, is a group of homeschool families that join to share in the education of their children. Homeschool co-ops offer classes for students and usually require parent participation. Don't expect to drop your kids off at classes or activities. In most c...
First, it helps to make sure that you know what you’re looking for. Many new homeschooling families confuse support groups and co-ops. A support group is, as the name suggests, a group where parents can find support and encouragement from others in similar circumstances. Most support groups...