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《Reading 1:Homes around the world》教学资源 [教案] 初中英语《Reading 1:Homes around the world》教案模板下载牛津译林版 I have a (big/small) house/ flat.It has a (garden/balcony/ bedroom/ bathroom/ living room…)I like … because I can … there.Step 3. Reading1. Listen to Neil’s ...
106 Live From Capitol Homes-Yung Booke by:嘻哈有态度 809 Live From Capitol Homes-Yung Booke by:嘻哈有态度 1792 福尔摩斯探案集 Sherlock Homes by:维琪没有强迫症 453 Live From Capitol Homes 2-Yung Booke by:嘻哈有态度 123 Live From Capitol Homes 2-Yung Booke ...
日本的首都the capital of Japan 世界各地的家homes around the word 来自不同国家的学生students from different countries 离伦敦15英里远的城镇a town 15 miles (away)from London 享受一杯茶enjoy a cup of tea 莫斯科中心的一套公寓a flat in the center of Moscow 在七楼on the seventh floor 一个漂亮的...
Homes around the world 542019-10 3 Thump Thump helps out 372019-10 4 Nell ‘s book 442019-10 5 Way down deep 592019-10 6 Firefighters at work 482019-10 7 Long ago and now 252019-10 8 Mother goose rhymes 352019-10 9 How plants grow 272019-10 10 It’s about time 432019-10 查看更多...
牛津译林 英语七年级下册第一 单元Reading 1:Homes around the world.ppt,Unit 1 Dream homes Reading(1) Where do you live? city town flat house What kind of home do you live in? flat palace house flat seventh garden My friend lives in a town 20 miles from th
beach 1.Iusuallywashmyfaceinthediningroom.2.Ialwayssleepinthekitchen.bathroom bedroom livingroom3.ThebathroomisthebestplacetochatandwatchTV.diningroom4.Inmosthomes,peoplehavedinnerinthebedroom.kitchen5.Weusuallycookmealsinthelivingroom.Neil [niəl]Anna ['ænə]
Reading 2:Homes around the world Its home.NeilsKey words: England, garden, dogGuess: Whose home is itShow your beautiful
3、s in the living room.,dining room.,living room,bedroom.,kitchen.,bathroom,Lets meet 3 new friends.,Stephen,Neil,Anna,Which countries are they from?,the USA,the UK,Russia,Homes around the world,Anna,Stephen,),23”,I live in a large house in Los ,Neil,F,Neil (尼尔) lives in the...