奥德修斯的一名船员在醉酒后从喀尔刻的屋顶上摔下来死亡。 塞壬(Sirens) 伪装成美女的生物,她们美丽的歌声引诱水手跳进海里淹死。 斯库拉(Scylla) 一个有六个头的食人怪物。 卡律布狄斯(Charybdis) 一个每天创造三次漩涡的怪物。 忒俄克吕墨诺斯(Theoclymenus) 一位与忒勒玛科斯一起从斯巴达航行到伊萨卡的先知。 ...
The Odysseybeginsin Media Res, ten years after the fall of Troy. Odysseus has yet to return and is believed to have died on the voyage home. A mob of suitors have overrun his palace and desire his wife’s hand in marriage. While Penelope and her son Telemachus fe...
THE SIRENS, SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS, THE CATTLE OF THE SUN. “After we were clear of the river Oceanus, and had got out into the open sea, we went on till we reached the Aeaean island where there is dawn and sun-rise as in other places. We then drew our ship on to the sands and...
and sirens, raging storms and seductive idylls, before he is able to return to his wife, his son and his homeland.This masterpiece keeps its appeal not only because it reflects a glorious time of heroes and wonders, but because it is a work that still speaks to the lives we live today...
major protagonists in the story are Odysseus, his wife Penelope, his son Telemachus, the goddess Athena (she helped Odysseus through his struggles), the god Poseidon ( he proved to be one of the obstacles through the journey), and many mythical monsters including the Cyclops and the Sirens. ...
[The Sirens’ song] “Remarkable Odysseus, halt and hear the song we two sing out: Achǽan chief, the gift our voices give is honey-sweet. No man has passed our isle in his black ship until he’s heard the sweet song from our lips; and when he leaves, the listener has received...
Aeaea is not a real island. Homer experts disagree on where it is supposedly located. It is the home of Circe inThe Odyssey. 16Kviews TheOdysseyPlot and Background Information TheOdysseyis an epic poem by Homer. It tells of the hero,Odysseusand his journey home from the Trojan War. On ...
THE ODYSSEY BOOK 23, TRANSLATED BY A. T. MURRAY[1] Then the old dame went up to the upper chamber, laughing aloud, to tell her mistress that her dear husband was in the house. Her knees moved nimbly, but her feet trotted along beneath her; and she stood above her lady's head, ...
In his "Odyssey", Homer immortalized the idea of resisting temptation by having the protagonist tied to the mast of his ship, to hear yet not succumb to the beautiful, dangerous songs of the Sirens. Researchers have long been intrigued as to whether this ability to avoid, or defer, gratific...
[...]111:IN HIS “Odyssey”,Homerimmortalized the idea of resisting temptation by having the protagonist tied to the mast of his ship, to hear yet not succumb to the beautiful, dangerous songs of the Sirens. [...]111:荷马笔下的《奥德赛》里,那抵制诱惑的故事经久不衰。主角将自己绑在船的...