Google of course goes much further today. Strictly timed requests, distributed loads and a close look at everything from the CPU over network buffers, data structures in memory etc. are in the toolbox. Offline, Online and One-Pass - algorithmic lessons learned from High-Frequency Trading and...
@RedFoxxie Thanks for the feedback. As you've noticed, we're exploring an updated design style here. One of the big problems with the orange-button-on-hover paradigm is that it doesn't work well on touch devices (that typically don't support hover interactions). Furthermore, we ...
Skype For Business Begins Rolling Out Publicly Today — Microsoft's “Skype for Business,” which is designed to replace the company's older enterprise communication tool Lync, is rolling out publicly today as part of the Office 2013 April update, the company announced this morning. More: Office...
Have Questions? We Have Answers Learn more how we can help your law firm grow during a FREE consultation. We are an honest business trying to help lawyers market, especially new law firms, smaller law firms, and solo law firms. We understand that a budget can be tight, especially for a...
We feel we just have to be honest about all this. We can not justify going through with all the things we need (flights, nightliner, backline, TM, tech, lasers, lights, and so on) in light of the poor prospects. It has left our promoters, booking agents, management, and now us,...
Today, Slack is one of the most widely used communication platforms for teams and is considered a leading example of a successful startup. One of the keys to Slack’s success was its heavy emphasis on customer feedback. Founder Stewart Butterfield recallsbegging and cajoling fr...
Once you have the answers to these three questions, you can begin plotting out how best to improve your homepage. Remember to tie each of yourdesign elementsto one of the four goals listed above. Most importantly, don’t worry about getting it perfect. Website optimization is an ongoing pro...
📣 Learn more about the new TBM Framework 2.0 and Taxonomy 5.0 drafts and share your feedback →The Technology Business Management Council Dedicated to ensuring members create business value from every technology investment, resource and asset. Members 0 k+ Organizations 0 k+ Fortune 100 Comp...
@RedFoxxie Thanks for the feedback. As you've noticed, we're exploring an updated design style here. One of the big problems with the orange-button-on-hover paradigm is that it doesn't work well on touch devices (that typically don't support hover interactions). Furthermore, we ...