To get the most out of your insurance, you need to understand all the ins and outs, as well as what is and isn’t covered. There are lots of options, and you want to be sure you have the coverage you need at a price that fits your budget. Fortunately, an independent insurance agen...
made sure I had the right information and explained the details and never made me feel rushed through it. Also in the whole time I've been with them I've only talked to 2 agents and I have Home, Auto and rec. Ins. through them. That's exactly what I want from my Insurance Agency...
If you are in a high risk zone, please read this post I wrote onhow to decide whether you should or should not get disaster insurancefor your property. Given San Francisco is near a fault line, I think about this topic every time I call my insurance company to check up on the latest...
Clarify your expectations Be clear about what sitters can and can’t use in your home. Do you want them to help themselves to food in the fridge? Will you provide them with shampoo and conditioner? Explain the sleeping arrangements (including where your pets sleep). Give clear instruction...