Most common causes of acidity/heartburn/gastric reflux are Stress & strain of modern life. An individual's constant worrying thoughts, brooding, emotional sensitiveness, sudden loss of person or support, increase sensitiveness in nature or temperament. Homeopathy medicines work more at stress level &...
Sulphuric Acid: Sulphuric Acid is suited for individuals experiencing severe heartburn with a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. There may be a sensation of burning extending from the stomach up to the throat, and the symptoms tend to be aggravated by stress and anxiety. It is suited for ...
2.GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease): It refers to a condition that causesheartburn(burning behind the sternum), chest pain, sour belching/vomiting due to reflux of stomach acid from a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Acid reflux tends to get worse at night, and its symptoms can ...
Robinia – Effective Medicine for Heartburn in Achalasia Cardia Robiniais prepared from the fresh bark of the root and young twigs of a plant named Robinia Pseudo-acacia. The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. Robinia is a very effective homeopathic medicine for treating achalasia cardia ...
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Natrum Phosis highly recommended remedy for dyspepsia with heartburn (burning behind the breastbone) and sour vomiting. Heaviness and fullness in the stomach, sour belching, and water brash after eating and noisy flatulence are the key features that indicate the need for this medicine. Natrum Phos...
HeartburnHeat RashHeavy Bleeding Heel PainHeel SpursHernia Hernia HiatusHigh BPHigh BP High CholesterolHigh Uric AcidHip Pain Hoarse VoiceHolistic Concept HomeopathyHomeopathy Homeopathy – MythsHormone ImbalanceHot Flashes Menopause Housemaid’s KneeHPVHydrastis ...
Nux Vomica: Best Homeopathic remedy for stomach problems Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is of great help in the treatment of various stomach problems. It is the best Homeopathic remedy for heartburn that occurs after taking coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks. Nux Vomica is also the idealHome...
(gastrointestinal reflux disease – backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe occurs that causes heartburn), Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease which is autoimmune in origin that can cause inflammation in any part of the digestive tract), and celiac disease (a disease of ...
Nux Vomica is an excellent digestive remedy for treating indigestion and acidity. The major symptoms for using it include – heartburn, sour bitter belching, water brash, nausea and vomiting with much retching. Pain in the stomach is also present. Vomiting gives relief in the pain for a whil...