It is also a renowned medicine for treating sore throat, enlarged and inflamed tonsils. Main features for its use are pain in the throat, tonsils especially when swallowing and it often radiates to the ears. If we look at the throat, it is red, swollen with dark red tonsils frequently stu...
Based on our results, studies on Hypericum in dental care going beyond the indication of post-extraction pain are highly encouraged.doi:10.1016/j.eujim.2009.08.056C.K. RaakA. BüssingT. OstermannElsevier GmbHEuropean Journal of Integrative Medicine...
Mouth Ulcers Treatment with Homeopathic MedicineRecurring ulcers in the mouth are a common problem for many. Small or large, one or several at a time, short-lasting or lasting for a few days, painful or not painful, could be some of the features of this condition. Medically, this condition...
This very nice woman had cough for about a year. She’d been checked by regular doctors and no cause had been found. Of course, in conventional medicine we are looking for some tissue pathology, like a pneumonia, cancer, bronchitis, etc. The fact that she had none of these does not me...
Silicea – For Marked Swelling of Gums This medicine is effective when there is intense swelling of gums. The gums are very sore, painful, sensitive and bleed easily, and are painful to little pressure. Pain in the teeth can also accompany this. Another symptom that appears is the feeling...
Doing nothing is not an option for dead teeth. In any other field of medicine, a dead or gangrenous tissue or organ would immediately be removed. Many people nowadays are opposed to root canals, for various reasons, and avoid the procedure. However, keeping a dead tooth in the body and ...
1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Dry Mouth Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as White Bryony or Wild Hops of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is a top listed medicine for treating cases of dry mouth. Along with dryness of mouth, lips...
Homeopathic Medicines for Teething Chamomilla – The Real Tooth fairy Chamomilla(chamomile) has probably introduced more parents to homeopathy than any other Homoeopathic medicine. Though it is not the only medicine that homeopaths prescribe to treat teething, it is so commonly used that it is general...
This medicine is beneficial for cases of burning feet and sharp pain in soles. Persons needing it uncovers the feet and fan them to aid relief. The sharp pain in soles is felt while taking the first step on them in the morning. They may also have swelling of feet. Sore feeling under ...
This medicine effectively manages the complaint of early and very profuse periods. The periods also last for a long time in females requiring it. The menstrual bleeding is bright red and there may be a shooting headache, pain in back, nausea, cold feet, hands and shivering during menses. The...