Most people opt for a homemade weed killer when they are searching for a natural alternative to commercial herbicides such as the most popular store bought weed killer, RoundUp. However, if you’re looking at using table salt in your homemade weed killer, you may want to re-consider. While...
Will this work for med size to full grown weed’s as well… And as for grass that keep’s grown and coming up through the plastic tarp of the ground…. Please help me… Ed Fox Reply A neighbour has bamboo growing in her lawn , from next door, it has grown into her tile bed. It...
We all know that vinegar has acetic acid in it. So, how can it be an effective weed eliminator? The acetic acid sips water out of the weed, leaving it dry and withered. On the other hand, the soap works well with vinegar. It breaks the outer cuticle of the weed and acts as a ca...
One man's weed is another man's rose. Many weeds are native plants that Mother Nature intended to thrive — that's why they're so hard to kill. Learning to love weeds is just a matter of looking at them in a different light. For example, in Japan, moss is cultivated for landscaping...
Before I tell you about this great Homemade Weed Killer, it’s confession time. I can get pretty worked up when I see folks polluting the environment and thinking it means nothing. What’s a little RoundUP here? Or a little toxic chemical house cleaning stuff dumped down the drain, right...
Weed Butter There aren’t many people who are wild about butter, though we know how to change this unfortunate state of affairs. That’s simple: add weed. First, you need to melt butter in a saucepan; you could add some water if you are worried that it might burn. ...
If you are looking for a pre-emergent weed killer for your lawn and garden, then look no further than your home. With a few products straight from the kitchen, you can try to prevent weeds, such as crabgrass and dandelions, from growing before they even
19. Homemade Weed Killer Warning, this stuff actually works, so keep it away from your lawn, flowers, and other plants. It will kill them, too! It's best used for sidewalk cracks or mulchy areas. If you spray it when the sun is out, it has an even better effect. Goodbye, weeds...
This tutorial is about stripping wine making down to the absolute bare minimum. Start a batch of wine in under a minute and with just 5$ in equipment!
Tackle these pesky garden invaders without harsh chemicals. These homemade organic weed killers are non toxic, natural, cheap and effective.