I’ve used coconut oil and various natural ingredient hand products from shops too which were ok but no miracles. I made this butter last night and put on the tiniest bit and I swear I feel like I’ve stolen someone else’s hands! my hands haven’t been this smooth and soft since I...
Two, sodium hydroxide is highly corrosive, and even though it has changed states here due to the chemical reaction with water and chlorine, the mixture is still corrosive. You may remember sodium hydroxide as the active ingredient in drain cleaner and the ingredient we use insoapmakingto convert...
Put soap and anti-spotting agent into a spray bottle attachment for your garden hose. Add ammonia, if desired, for extra cleaning power and degreasing. Fill the bottle to the top with water. Attach sprayer. Spray upper windows and let them dry. This outdoor window washer recipe is for cle...
where all of the milk solids are removed, but it’s cooked for a little bit longer, allowing the milk solids on the bottom of the pan to brown, giving the ghee a more nutty flavor profile. In other words, it’s a delicious,
t offer Bodyform, Allways or any other sanitary towels. A friend who lived through a seige in the 1980s told me how humiliating it was running out of shampoo, soap and tampax. Poverty isn’t a war, but how embarrassing it can make life. Maybe donating some san pro to foodbanks could...
I actually had a long conversation with a dawn dish soap representative one day while trying to hunt down a certain smell of dawn (to no avail) but she told me that joy dishsoap is the same as dawn. Said its made in the same factory. Same product. Sold by the same company under an...