Easy Homemade Matzo,a simple from-scratch matzah cracker recipe that’s perfect for Passover. Flour and water combine to make a crispy and golden, unleavened baked bread that’s ready in only 18 minutes, according to classic kosher tradition! You can naturally also use this recipe to make M...
This recipe, with a little peppermint extract added, was a big hit at a holiday party! I didn’t have Irish whiskey on hand, so used a rye I happened to have on hand. It worked fine, especially with the peppermint forward flavors. I found the flavors merge and settle more when chille...
Enjoy Effie's Homemade biscuits with a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, and with cheese or your favorite spread for snacks. Find Effie's Oatcakes, Ryecakes, Cocoacakes, Corncakes, and Nutcakes in the specialty cheese section.
Using a butter knife, score the dough sheet into square cracker shapes (you can use cookie cutters to make these crackers in whatever shape you want, of course, but I find that far too fiddly. Square crackers taste the same and take far less time to roll out and bake). Prick each cra...