When plant root systems absorb salt, it disrupts water balance. This can cause the weed to wilt and die. You need the following ingredients to make this homemade weed killer recipe: The minimum effective ratio is two partsepsom saltto 1 part water. Bottle for spraying The process: Mix the...
Because perennial weeds have a hardy, established root system, a vinegar weed killer will only temporarily solve your problem. The foliage will die back, but the weed will eventually grow back. This is especially true for one of the peskiest weeds, dandelions, because they have a large, stro...
Homemade Foam Root Killer You can add foaming action to a salt solution by adding baking soda and vinegar. To make this environmentally friendly root killer, mix a cup each of regular table salt, baking soda, vinegar and boiling water and immediately flush it down the toilet. When mixed tog...
Vinegar is generally safe, but you should still be cautious. To help keep your children safe, keep them away from the area until the homemade weed killer has dried. If the vinegar happens to comes in contact with eyes or skin, flush the area with water for several minutes. Jupiterimages/...
All 4 ingredients are traditionally used as very effective insect repellents and recommend by many holistic vets as a successful flea and insect killer and repellent. Food Grade Diatom Flour (also called Diatomaceous Earth or DE) Diatomaceous Earth is soft powder made up of fossilized remains of...
If you want extra dryness protection, apply a layer of arrowroot powder over the deodorant using a makeup brush that is solely used for this purpose. Store at room temperature and apply as needed. Notes: When I started making this recipe I used coconut oil as the base. However, I’ve ...