Support Wildlife: Homemade bird feeders provide essential nourishment to birds, especially during the colder months when food is scarce. By offering a steady food source, you're helping local bird populations thrive. Eco-Friendly: Utilizing recycled materials for your bird feeder project reduces waste...
This homemade bird feeders for preschoolers science activity (below) is fun for children as they get to make their own feeder for the birds that are local to your area. You can use this opportunity to help the children to learn about birds, the different types of birds, what they...
It has really strong suction cups, a removable tray and drain holes for when it rains. We have it in our kitchen and have a great view of the birds all season long! You’ll love watching all of the visitors outside of your windows. See also ourHomemade Bird Feeders (without Peanut B...
), as long as you use equal parts of it with the beef fat, lard, or natural peanut butter. Additionally, you may want to add some dried fruits to the mix to give your aviary guests a little extra treat. Raisins, currants, apricots, or citrons are all excellent choices that birds ...
I make my own suet for the wild birds every winter and use lard as it comes in 1lb chunks. I add peanut butter, mixed bird seed that includes sunflower seeds, oatmeal, and cornmeal. I freeze it in the plastic containers that store-bought suet comes in then pop it out to fill my ...
Pine cones– Look for those that are open to make spreading the peanut butter a lot easier. Peanut butter – Don’t be afraid to buy off-brand or cheap peanut butter…the birds won’t mind! Twine Bird seed DIRECTIONS 1. Cut a length of twine for each pine cone. The twine should be...