First, cut the fabric into pieces the size of dryer sheets. Next, fill a mason jar with ¾ cup vinegar, ¼ cup water, a few drops of essential oils. I prefer lavender oil for these, but you can play around with your favorite scents. Shake. Then, fill the mason jar with your fa...
To prevent swimmer's ear, put about 4 drops of this homemade ear drop solution (1 part vinegar to 1 part alcohol) in each ear after a day in the water. This is not for use if you already have an existing ear infection– the alcohol simply helps dry out your ears while the vinegar...
Keep the jar on a sunny windowsill and shake it well each time you add peels. When the peels lose their color, after about four weeks, remove the peels and bottle the vinegar. Then, save the peels to add to your homemade soft scrub. Use citrus vinegar straight for sanitizingbathrooms, ...
Vinegar gets it out of most things, mayo gets it out of hair! Reply Hailey Marie says: 06.28.2017 at 11:05 am I made this slime by myself and had so much fun,it got in my carpet and nail polish remover took it out Reply Aimee says: 02.22.2012 at 11:39 am toothpaste (the ...
Mix a cleaning solution.Assuming your paint has a glossy finish, this can be the same soapy water we recommend for walls covered in latex paint, or you can use something stronger like a vinegar solution (see recipe).Remember, though: if your paint has a matte finish–even if it’s oil...
Try not to rub or push the paint deeper into the carpet while doing this part. Blot excess paint with a dry rag or paper towel. For acrylic paint: White Vinegar + Warm Water In a plastic spray bottle, mix 1 part distilled white vinegar with 10 parts warm water. Shake it well to mix...
Pour some white vinegar or rubbing alcohol straight onto the slime stain. Let it soak for about five minutes. Scrub the stain with a stiff-bristled brush to remove any lingering slime. Blot at the spot with a (white!) clean, damp rag. ...